Discover the magic of Japanese Beauty

Shipped from the USA

Get glowing with the latest industry product trends !

Start your daily regimen with these categories


    A full range of the latest premium cleansers for all skin types

  • Placeholder


    Carefully curated lineup of trending gels, lotions, toners and emulsification for all skin types to help you achieve the perfect balance and timeless skin health.

  • Placeholder


    The highest quality daily serums based on specific skin care goals and treatments.

  • BODY

    Whether its a fun day in the sun, or after a relaxing shower or bath, we’ve got you covered head to toe with nourishment and protection from environmental elements.

  • Accessories from Japan

    For home or travel, we’ve got you covered with these high quality beauty essentials

Kichijōten brings you the best of Japanese beauty and health products to your door. Shipped from the USA!

Experience radiant beauty and flawless skin with our handpicked selection of top-notch skincare and beauty products straight from the heart of Japan. We offer a meticulous curated selection of premium skincare and beauty products providing our customers with the very best in quality, innovation and latest trends.